News > Old Girls' News > Year 7 £10 Challenge - Judged by an Alumna

Year 7 £10 Challenge - Judged by an Alumna

Year 7 girls have been channelling their entrepreneurial spirit over the last four weeks in the Young Enterprise £10 Challenge, as part of our bespoke Futures Programme spearheaded by Caroline Wilkes.

Year 7 girls have been channelling their entrepreneurial spirit over the last four weeks in the Young Enterprise £10 Challenge, as part of our bespoke Futures Programme spearheaded by Caroline Wilkes, our Head of Futures and Innovation.

On the first week, over half the year group dived into brainstorming potential products and designing their logos. The top five designs will be entered into a national competition!

The focus on the second week was budgeting and business plans. The girls' ideas blossomed from scribbles to detailed plans as the girls tackled budgeting and created complex business strategies in order to maximise their output.

On the third week, the girls learnt key skills in marketing and advertising by using programmes such as Canva and iMovie to create posters and promotional videos. This was all to prepare for the final grand sale during TIPS (Thinking Innovatively and Problem Solving) Week.

The project culminated in a spectacular Grand Sale, with the playground transformed into a bustling marketplace! Stalls included 'Glow and Behold' candles, bubble tea, tote bags, cookies and more. We were thrilled to welcome FHS alumna Maria Cecilia Frering, a jewellery designer, who judged the stalls for best design, most original and most developed product. Pupils not only learned valuable business skills but also supported local causes by repaying their £10 investment to a charity of their choice.

A massive shout-out to all our young entrepreneurs who took part. We're incredibly proud of you.

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